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How to Pull Reporting on Shipped OrdersUpdated 9 months ago

Pulling reporting in ShipHero for shipped orders is quick and easy! 

Here are the steps to pull Shipped Order Data in ShipHero:

1. Head over to Manage Orders, and update the following in the left-side column:

*Order Date Rage*

You will need to specify here the time period that you would like to see. If you are wanting to look at a single day (like August 24), then I recommend including the day before and after in your set (Aug 23, 24, and 25). 

*Fulfillment Status - Update to "Fulfilled"*

2. Head over to the right side and use the drop-down to include as many rows as you would like

In this example where there are 14 orders fulfilled with my date range, I can use the standard 25-order view to present the information. 

If I had a bigger set of data with 455 orders, I would update the drop-down to include 500 rows of orders

3. Hit "Export All Rows" (Shown above)

Your report will now be generated and will export as a .csv to then be viewed/ edited

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