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How do I reship an order that was lost, damaged or customer says products are missing?Updated 8 months ago

When an order needs to be reshipped, you can modify the order in ShipHero to be reshipped OR you can create a *NEW* order to be made by duplication in Shopify. 

Both processes keep things clean in Shopify or ShipHero and allow you to capture this information in your Shopify store and allow for fast fulfillment. 

ShipHero Steps to reship an Order:

  1. Go back into the original order and add back items that were shipped, or add items that you would like to ship. The order will now be pending fulfillment

  1. Be sure to update the shipping address, how the order is being shipped, etc. if you need to make adjustments
  2. Please reach out to your Account Manager with any questions!

Shopify Steps to Duplicate an Order:

1. Go into your Shopify account, find the order that needs to be replaced/ reshipped, and create a duplicate order.

2. In Shopify, edit the order as needed:

  • Include/ update the necessary SKUs
  • Update the shipping service
  • Remember to zero out the order amount. *This is necessary to maintain the correct record for revenue reporting.* You may want to add a discount code prefix i.e. Reship_Lost or Reship_Damaged. 
  • Add notes in the duplicate order to let the Nice Team know this is a replacement order and the reason behind the reship.

Example: An ice storm in the Midwest caused the package to sit for 10 days and get lost. The order needs to be reshipped to the customer and include a sorry note etc.

3. We recommend tagging these orders in Shopify with something like Nice_Reship

  • To create a tag in Shopify, go to the tag box on the bottom right and type in the tag name. It will then populate as a new tag to add on.
  • When orders have this tag we are able to add an automation to include an insert, add a product, or add a code for a free product on the next purchase! The Nice team can write a handwritten note to improve this customer's experience with your brand and aid in customer retention.

Screenshot of Shopify steps below:

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