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Does Nice compensate for an error?Updated 9 months ago

While errors do not happen often, they can occur. 

We have A LOT of processes and the right people in place to prevent errors as best we can, but if an error does occur, we at Nice want to complete extensive detective work to figure out the root cause:

  • ? Why did the error occur?
  • ? Was anything else affected by the error? 
  • ? Are other orders impacted, processes, stores, and products also impacted?
  • ? When did the error happen and who/ what was involved?

The list goes on. 

Once your Account Manager has completed their detective work, they will present their findings to the client with the next steps. 

If the error is one where a credit is owed, then Nice would compensate for the error. However, each case is different and handled with the utmost care. We want to work with our partner clients to make sure errors are prevented as best we can and corrections are made when errors are found. 

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