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Pre-Sales and "Sell Ahead" inventoryUpdated 8 months ago

? Can I set up a certain amount of inventory to sell ahead?
Yes! Ship Hero will allow you to set a sell-ahead number on your incoming PO while creating your shipping plan.

Please connect with your Account Manager to make sure we have all your settings properly in place for sell ahead. Thank you! 

? Why would setting a certain amount of inventory to sell ahead be beneficial?
The sell-ahead number will allow you to sell a product in your online store even if we have not yet received it. Example: Pre-selling orders, capturing $ ahead of the order arriving, etc.
In ShipHero, you are able to add the sell ahead number in the PO. This will then push the number to your store

? Where can I find it? 
After you create the PO you will have a Sell ahead field, you must complete it and then click Save.

  • Note: You cannot input a sell-ahead number that is larger than the quantity listed on the incoming PO. 

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